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Thursday, May 3, 2012

What to do and what not to do when backpacking!

In my opinion I thought it was a great documentary, especially if college students produced it. I give props to you college students, but there were a few things that you could have added or changed I would say. Some of those things was the trailer for the documentary. The trailer didn't make the film look as good as it really was. In my opinion when I watched the trailer I thought to myself saying "this doesn't look so great, but I have to go and watch it for my final." and when I watched it in the movie theaters, it was probably one of the best documentary's I have ever watched! A thing that did bother me was in the beginning when the narrator said,"This story is about two men," but really the documentary didn't really follow that statement! The documentary really talked and showed the whole climb group or as I should say Dirt Bags. It did make sense in the end, but during the film I was a little confused when watching it. Personally me I would have changed the shot where the doctor pulls out of his drive way in his truck differently, I kinda got a headache when I watched that shot. I probably would have kept the camera on a tri-pod and have it zoomed out a little bit, and a few tweaks here and there. It would have also been cool if they added more go-pro shots in the film, that would have made the film more action/first person feel to it! But overall I was really impressed about the film! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fill In The Blanks

Audio (and video) is different from print and photography in that it is _________, not spatial.

When you are recording “___________,” you are essentially getting the audio equivalent of candid 

Silence = __________

_____________ sound is valuable for setting a scene when it’s interesting, and it’s useful for editing purposes even when it’s not.

A good script is well-written for the _______, not the_______.

The best way to learn to write is to _______ and the best way to learn audio is to _______.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First week of college

I'm 16. Graduated high school early. I am meeting some awesome people. In my opinion, college is way more fun than high school. To me and my dad, we both think high school is a waste of time, unless you are in sports. I'm not in sports, not even basketball. I am 6' 3" and have a size 15 shoe.